Quantum Information Science and Engineering Network

Tyler Smart was accepted into the QISE-NET program!

The Quantum Leap Big Idea was formulated as a cross-NSF activity focused on advancing the development of quantum technologies. The “Triplets” approach is one of the activities funded under the Quantum Leap umbrella. This network is about development of a cohort of triplets, with each triplet comprising 1) University PI, 2) Industrial Partner or National Laboratory and 3) Graduate Student, working together over a period of three years. All triplets will form a Quantum Information Science and Engineering Network (QISE – NET) which, guided by an Advisory Board, will organize the triplet selection process, and consecutive report-out meetings. This novel approach to integrating research, education and technology transfer is highly convergent and cross-cutting in nature, expected to include representative triplets from Materials Science, Chemistry, Device Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, and Industrial Research. Congratulations Tyler!
